Population growth
At Kusang Loob, the community on Lubang island chosen for the water pumping system, the average number of children per household is 5 (although one couple have 18 children). The entire island has a population of 32,000 and a growth rate of 2.48%. If this growth rate remains the population will double to 64,000 in only 30 years. A growing population will put an increasing burden on the environment and social structures on the island. The majority of the labour force work in the agricultural or fishing industries, although there is a high rate of unemployment or underemployment. Increasing agricultural output sustainably is difficult due to the lack of available water. Increased fishing may lead to reduced biodiversity and fish stocks in the area. Solid waste management is also proving difficult to manage as the population increases. Many schools are reaching capacity and there is no tertiary education available on the island.

A group of children on Lubang island.
The problem of population growth is not restricted to Lubang. The 89.5 million population of the Philippines is set double in 40 years if it remains at the current 1.8% (the population growth is 0.28% the UK and 0.91% in the US). The land area of the Philippines is a little larger than that of the UK. The growing population puts an increasing burden on already scarce natural resources accelearting environmental degradation. The Philippines is already witnessing uncontrolled deforestation especially in watershed areas; soil erosion; air and water pollution in major urban centers; coral reef degradation and increasing pollution of coastal mangrove swamps that are important fish breeding grounds. There are also many social problems due to the population growth. Rapid urbanisation has seen Manila grow to a city of 11 million, many of its residents living in squatters home without access to clean water. The rate of unemployment, crime and drug abuse is high.
The Philippines is a devoutly religious country, 81% of the population are Catholic. The church is a powerful and influential institution that actively advocates against contraception use and abortion. There is not the political will, or willingness to go against the church, at the national or local level to implement an effective family planning policy.
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