Project DescriptionThe placement is a 12 month project based in Metropolitan Manila, Philippines working with partner NGO, SIBAT, developing a community based renewable energy system (CBRES). Low-cost, Philippine manufactured small wind turbine energy systems will be developed for use in remote poor rural households and communities without suitable hydro sources as an alternative to expensive solar photovoltaics and unsustainable diesel generation. The system will be designed to serve the needs of the community, increase productivity and augment income.

The 500W turbine in Lamag, North Luzon.
Whilst at SIBAT, VSO volunteer Hugo Bostock introduced the wind turbine design that has been successfully fabricated, installed and tested. The 500W, 2.4m blade diameter wind turbine is powering the lighting for a church in the remote community of Lamag, North Luzon. The aim now is to fabricate and install a 1kW, 3.6m blade diameter wind turbine at 3 selected sites, providing energy for:
- Water pumping for the water requirement of 30 households in a water scarce community, for potable water and backyard vegetable gardens;
- Fish/seaweed drying for adding value to existing livelihood of an island community, to serve more than 300 seaweed farmers and fishermen;
- The hybrid electrification (linked with photovoltaic cells) of a school/community centre, serving 108 households, including facilities for reception of the Knowledge Channel, which in addition to broadcasting school programming, also covers the continuing education needs of adults on subjects as varied as farming technology, handicraft manufacture for women and good governance.
The ‘total solution’ approach of the project, covering generation to end-use, is aimed to exploit inherent strengths of the wind technology, overcoming the system’s technical challenges whilst being ‘socially robust’ and appropriate to the communities needs. The project aims to be a model that can be replicated and developed in the Philippines and other developing countries using the prescribed and tested system, thereby reducing both the risk and cost of the project.
The success of the project will be measured by the performance of the installations, the overall cost relative to existing alternatives (expensive solar photovoltaics and unsustainable diesel generation), and the dissemination of the project findings to interested parties.
The total project cost has been estimated at PHP 1.75M (£18,000), PHP 1M of (£10,000) which is being provided by a World Bank Development Grant, secured by SIBAT for the project.
Partner Description
Sibol ng Agham at Teknolohiya or SIBAT, Inc. (Wellspring of Science and Technology) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization engaged in the promotion and development of appropriate technology (AT) in the Philippines.
Since its establishment as a network of rural and national based organizations in 1984, SIBAT pioneered development of community-based appropriate technology applications in the Philippine rural areas. As a formal network of close to 40 NGOs and POs, SIBAT has since expanded and now includes as non-formal members several non-governmental organizations, church-based organizations and people’s organizations.

Members of SIBAT with the 500W wind turbine.
Appropriate Technology is a type of technology that is developed with the highest regard for its genuine applicability to the needs of the community. Its design is premised on generating real benefits and strengthening social justice and equitability among disadvantaged sectors and population. Its development is framed by the practice of people’s participation and the objective of developing local capacities and overall technological self-reliance. Its applications consciously observe the basic regard for environmental enhancement and protection.
SIBAT has two 2 major programs, Sustainable Agriculture and Renewable Energy. It is the Renewable Energy RE Program, by its current program thrust and development that has articulated the need for internship. Information can be found about SIBAT and their projects on their website (
Placement Funding
The total placement budget for the 12 month period is £5000. The Institute of Mechanical Engineers has contributed £800 as part of the Overseas Engineering Project Award. The remaining £4200 will be obtained from EWB fundraising.
Regular Updates
Project progress, developments and photographs will be updated regularly at the blog for the project, (visit Regular reports will also be sent to EWB to update project sponsors and support.
Contact information
Contact Drew Corbyn at:
+63 9164 841 198
Or contact SIBAT at:
SIBAT Administration
4F/5F, 40 Matalungin Street,
Barangay Central, Diliman,
Quezon City, Philippines
+632 928 8316
+632 926 8971